Monday, November 29, 2010

I hope he stays this sweet...

In addition to keeping everyone abreast with our two growing kids, one of the biggest reasons we keep this blog is for Erin & I to be able to look back at what was happening at a particular time with our kids. We do it a lot more often than we ever thought we would. I say that as a preface to today's post, because there aren't any pictures to show, just a conversation that I'd like to remember for a very long time.

After a few weeks of neither of us sleeping, Erin & I decided to split duty on taking care of Brynn at night, with one of us spending the night with Denver in his room (and thereby getting a much better night's rest). Last night was my "night of rest", getting to sleep with him.

Long after I thought he was asleep, Denver said "Daddy?"

"Yes, buddy?" [Although I didn't reflect it in my voice, I was somewhat frustrated and surprised he wasn't already asleep...]

"I love you so much. ... You're my best friend in the whole wide world!"

WOW! What a cool little dude! He's been so good with Brynn and all the "adjustments" he's had to have over the past month.

Brynn has been growing, although we're still having trouble with her "fussiness". She can hold her head up pretty well, and, if not being fussy, can sleep for 5+ hours at a time. Not much else to report - if she's not eating, gazing, or crying, she's asleep.

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